Pechuga Empanizada (breaded & fried chicken cutlet)No, breaded chicken cutlet is not the most traditional Mexican dish our host family makes, but with thinly sliced chicken breast breaded...
Chipotles Rellenos (Cheese-Stuffed Chipotle Peppers)Chipotle peppers stuffed with cheese, egg-battered and lightly fried, then immersed in a tomato-garlic sauce. This is a special and...
FrijolesIs this the sexiest recipe we've put up so far? No. But is it the most important? YES. You are not doing Mexican food (or life, tbh)...
GomichelaYou've probably (hopefully) had a michelada. But gave you had a gomichela!? Beer with some yummy fix-ins plus a CHAMOY rim and...