Huevo en Salsa de Chipotle [eggs in chipotle salsa]Such a delicious way to prepare eggs! Perfect for breakfast, lunch, and dinner too! A crowd favorite in our host family. Ingredients:...
Salsa de ChipotleChipotles. Tomatoes. Garlic. Salt. Very simple, very flavorful, very good on almost anything. Ingredients: -11 tomatoes -13 chipotles -2...
Tomatillo-Chipotle SteakGrilled steak is finished in a tangy tomatillo-chipotle sauce with hunks of soft potatoes. You're finished in a delightful food coma....
Chipotles Rellenos (Cheese-Stuffed Chipotle Peppers)Chipotle peppers stuffed with cheese, egg-battered and lightly fried, then immersed in a tomato-garlic sauce. This is a special and...
Pork Ribs in Salsa de ChipotleIs there a flavor more Mexican than chipotle? This smoked dried pepper is *actually* the smoked dried version of Jalapeño…who knew!? ...